Funeral trivia & musings...Dad was a quiet, unassuming man, and never wanted 'a fuss' (the epitome of the old Commercial Union slogan: We Won't Make A Drama Out Of A Crisis!), but I think he would appreciate all the love and thought we've tried to put into his funeral.
He loved music of many sorts, but particularly Bing Crosby, Sinatra and Andre Rieu...Sinatra couldn't contribute much towards the funeral music ("My Way" was definitely not dad's motto!), so for the secular music we have chosen Bing Crosby singing I'll Be Seeing You. Andre Rieu has been chosen for the other instrumental music at the start and end of the service: What A Wonderful World and Time To Say Goodbye, which speak for themselves. Both hymns were chosen as Mum and Dad had them at their wedding: The King Of Love My Shepherd Is (which is a setting of Psalm 23) and Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven. With so few people allowed to attend the funeral, we have chosen choir-backed tracks to help swell our meagre voices!
David was hoping to record the Address from his home in Sweden to be broadcast as part of the service, but unfortunately ill health has prevented him from doing so; I hope we have managed to incorporate as many of his ideas and themes into it as we can, but we shall miss his 'voice'.
Sue, and daughter Katy, have valiantly chosen to make the Family Tribute, bringing together lots of memories from family and friends, to give us a fuller picture of Dad's life.
Hannah - the youngest of 10 grandchildren - is reading the lovely poem God's Garden - as it reminds her of all the time Dad spent gardening at our house!
I'm reading the Bible readings (Matthew 11, v28-30, plus Revelations 21, v1) particularly for the words 'gentle and humble in heart' which were traits of Dad.
The flowers have a whole lot of symbolism, (although the florist warns they are currently subject to availability!) We have chosen roses, to represent a lad of Hampshire origin, plus also the emblem of Hampshire cricket. The red and white colours represent Saints, of which he was a lifelong supporter, and the foliage is green and yellow to represent his 50+ year association with New Milton Cricket Club, in all his many roles. There are three large red roses (his children), ten small white bud roses (his grandchildren) and two small red bud roses (his great-grandchildren). Finally, tying everything together, will be some twine to show his love of gardens and gardening, and a bow containing some Violet ribbon. I hope you can picture it! It has been a privilege to draw all these aspects of dad's life into his final send off.
21st April 2020